William D. Mason House

William D. Mason House
William D. Mason House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As Alfred Brown House
Address 314 Boston Rd
Built 1842
Demolished 1986

Part of the Patten Farm divided in 1755, William Mason, a machinist, bought the lot in 1842 and built his house at the same time. "The New Road" (now Boston Road) in 1842 ran through his holdings, and he sold off the land west of the road. Curiously enough, Dickerman, another machinist, bought land across the way, southeast of Floyd St.

Alfred S. Brown lived here from the mid-1800s through the early 1900s, which is where Brown's Corner gets it name.

In 1987, Christie's Convenience was erected on the lot, eventually sold to 7-11.


  1. MACRIS BIL.137